Tuesday, December 14, 2010


GOD IS SO GOOD!! December is a very busy time of the year. I'm making everyone beautiful for their family photos.. I'm so blessed beyond belief in so many ways. I can't believe that God has chosen me to go to Coasta Rica. I enjoy people and working with them and I'm excited to teach them something that I love to do. Cutting hair and working with my hands. ! Learning spanish has been very difficult for me. My brain just doesn't absorb it very well, so please pray for me. Also, for the schedule for my children and husband, Paul. It will come together.. Thanks so much for all who have given financial support. "WOW"!! We are also helping ($$) the missionaries to repair their hot water heater before we arrive. I'm so excited to share the gifts God have gifted to me on this trip. I can't wait to see what GOD is going to do in our lives and the women & children of, Coasta Rica..
Merry Christmas, ** Sharilynn**

Monday, December 13, 2010

Costa Rica

I am so excited to be a part of this team! I have met some truly wonderful women so far and really enjoy working with them in preparation for our Costa Rica trip. We have been working hard on a weekly basis to get ready for our mission trip in February. I praise the Lord for giving me this opportunity and linking me with Grace Baptist. I am a creative person who LOVES to craft, and to be able to use my skills along with God's Word...is just going to be awesome. Learning Spanish is a challenge (especially because I only took French in school) but the flashcards are helping:)

I get to be first!

Woo Hoo! First poster. I feel so special!
I am so excited to be part of this team and thrilled that I am REALLY GOING! Those of you who don't know it, I was just an alternate to start. What a blessing to have had TOO MANY women signed up to go on this trip. I've never heard of that before. As things became clear to Julie, she realized God's whisper was for her to help with the "empty holes" that were created by the trip. She was then able to give me the green light that I was waiting (not so patiently) for.
I have been so touched by all the support I have already received from family and friends. I thank you all so much for your love and kindness.
Now if I can somewhat master this whole "Spanish" thing, we'll be good to go!

Who we are working with...

We are working with Missionaries, Philip and Saukeen Jones

The work that began with Aziel and Marian Jones continues through the lives of three of their sons and their respective families; Timothy, Philip and David. These three brothers have continued to minister to the moutain people of Costa Rica. The work includes Bible translation, teaching the written word in Cabécar and Bribrí, teaching and minsitering to the hearts of these people, battling the practices of shamanism and tribal culture, and training them in vocational skills.

The Jones' developed an organization called River of God. The vision for the River of God organization is to spread the Gospel message of Jesus Christ to the mountain people of Latin America. Through the unity of the Spirit, we will assist the local missionary families in their work to reach people for Christ.

Philip and Saukeen's vision: To see the mountain people transformed from the inside out by the gospel of Jesus Christ, to where every area of their lives, community and culture is renewed – ‘Do not be conformed to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind . . .’ (Romans 12:2). We see in the Spirit a people characterized by hard work, faith in God, full of love, joy and peace in the Holy Spirit. We believe God will bring blessing to their lives and communities as outlined in Deuteronomy 28 and 30, as they forsake false gods to serve the one true God. Our ultimate goal is to see the people themselves going out to make disciples of other nations.” – Philip Jones
(exerts taken from their website: riverofgod.net)

Where we are serving...

We will be working about a 2 hours southeast of Cartago in Tspiri

The People we are serving, Cabecar Indians

The Talamanca Mountains are host to the Cabecar Indians, the largest indigenous group in Costa Rica, and one that retains many of its traditional customs and beliefs. In contrast to many other indigenous groups, the Cabecar do not live in villages, but prefer small family units scattered throughout this isolated region that includes the Pacuare zone.The Zutkia, or shaman, plays a multifaceted role in Cabecar culture as priest, magician, metaphysician or healer. (http://www.toenjoynature.com/)


We have been meeting together every Sunday since October. Each Sunday we learn a little Spanish, work on the details of what we will be doing and bond together as a team. So far, things seem to be shaping up well. We have decided to teach the Cabercar women how to turn old t-shirts into quilts. We had a mini sew-a-thon a coupld of weeks ago. There we learned how to quickly hand sew pieces of fabric to t-shirts together. I was amazed how fast hand sewing can be. I am not a machine sewer at all and hand sewing is a totally new concept. We were each given the assignment to sew nine 12x12 blocks of fabric together. I finished my set of nine in about 2 hours. In our next sew-a-thon we are going to be learning how to bind the quilts. I am looking forward to this time because it is a great chance to bond with the team and learn a new skill.